D-2 Continues to Expand

D-2 Inc. has made an internal promotion since the award of the PEAK Contract. Jacob Popillo is moving from part time IT wizard hidden away in our locked server room to full time employee. Official title is now “Cybersecurity Engineer (NIST 800-171) and PEAK Project Collaborator”. We are very happy to continue adding to our team individuals such as Jacob that are extremely talented in their area of expertise. Jacob has been instrumental in upgrading D-2 Inc. to meet the CMMC standards to protect critical infrastructure from cyber security threats set by the Department of Defense: https://dodcio.defense.gov/CMMC/Model/

That being said D-2 Inc. is now in expansion mode as we continue to grow and expand this high tech manufacturing business that is providing extremely important technology for various industries and rewarding quality high tech jobs for our employees. 

Connect with Jacob on linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-popillo-0573a61b6/